What Is An Ancestral Roots Divination?
What Is an Ancestral Roots Divination?
A roots divination reading is an in-depth investigation where you are guided through the system of Ifa. It answers the questions of who, what, how, and where your ancestors derived from. Under the guidance of IFA, your divination from your ancestors and the professionally licensed Priest. You will learn how to keep your family together and in alignment with your blood relative ancestors. Learn where your ancestors came from, how they lived, and how they can help you in your life today, tomorrow, and in the future.

What is genealogy?
(Idile in Yoruba)
A line of descendants traced continuously from an ancestor.
Lineage, blood line, family tree, and pedigree.
The term ‘genealogy’ (Idile) is the study of family ancestors as far back as we can go.
It also deals with your connection to your family tree.
What Is The Process For An Ancestral Roots Divination?
During the root’s divination, A licensed IFAGlobal Babalawo/Iyanifa divining priest, with the help of Ifa, will take you on a journey into the traditional lifestyles of your ancestors. How they lived, acted, and behaved. With this information, you may be able to compare some of those behavioral ways with self, family, and children. This is important because it helps with molding and shaping one’s character (Iwa). In life, understanding your family traditions is part of ancestor veneration. Remember, you are a branch from your ancestor tree. Wherever you go in the world, your ancestors are with you. This is why building good character is so important because you represent not only yourself in the world but also your ancestors. It is the ancestors who punish those who act out of character, and it is the ancestors who bless those who behave with good character.

Elders in traditional communities tell their children when they leave home to go out into the world “never to forget your customs and traditions, always honor your ancestors, work hard and show respect to your elders.” Your ancestors are with you, and they are watching you. Whenever you need to replenish yourself, come back home, for your home is your power source and stability. The history of Africans born in the United States began way before coming to America. Our history began in Africa, the cradle of civilisation where we were a spiritual, educated, family-centered people.
Why It Is Important to Honour Family Taboos (eewo)
A taboo is an act, action, custom, or behaviour that is highly forbidden or prohibited based on sacred social or religious meanings attached to it. It is a universal phenomenon in all societies, communities, and families. Taboos are constructed based on belief systems, values, and historical events. During the roots divination process, the taboo of whatever lineage you are from (father’s side of the family or mother’s side of the family) will be revealed to you. This information concerning family taboos is crucial for adhering to because it brings long life, wealth, and prosperity to those who follow them. Not following the taboos is dangerous, for your taboo is your poison.

If you would like to receive your Ancestral Roots Divination or want more information on Ancestral Roots Divinations,
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