The Significance of Ebo in Spiritual Practice. What Is The Importance of Ebo?
What does Ebo Mean?
Ebo means sacrifice. Ebo is a ritual, the prescription given within the IFA divination. It is the sacrifice made to maintain all the blessings coming to you in your life. Ebo is a combination of materials that symbolically has meaning to a person's situation.

Why Do I need to do ebo after my IFA Divination?
To change and shift one's circumstances to fortunate, positive, or well-balanced outcomes. Once the problem has been identified it is crucial to make the necessary appeasements to a particular selected Orisa, by the strict guidance of IFA, so that your situation works out well and is victorious. The Ifa priests use their long years of hard work and acquired knowledge to enter your experience to adjust whatever changes are necessary to make your situation balanced and successful.
How long after a IFA Divination Should I do My Ebo?
This depends on how your personal IFA divination consultation is coming. For example, suppose your divination is an emergency and gave a warning predominantly relating to sickness or ill health. In that case, your ebo process must be immediately completed within 3 days of the IFA divination. Some ebos have to be completed on the same day. The Babalawo or Iyanifa usually checks with IFA for confirmation; However, we advise that Ebo should be done as soon as possible to reduce the chances of any misfortune.

What Happens If My Ebo is not done after my IFA Divination?
Then you run the chances of making another problem occur stronger than the first problem you started with. For example, it worsens when someone is physically sick and not taking the necessary precautions to help their situation. They have to do more than initially essential to change their current outcome. It is the same when it comes to delaying making the necessary ebos to shift change in any misfortunes of your life to fortunes. It is not advisable to postpone your ebo process, especially when the Odu has appeared. You should follow the guidance and wisdom of IFA and your IFA Priest who did the consultation. Once you have done an IFA Divination, you must always know that you must do ebo. They both work hand in hand together. The ebo helps to shift one's circumstance to a balanced outcome.
Are there various types of Ebos?
There are ebos for long life, prosperity, wealth, victory, health, money, peace of mind, honor, respect, and so on. There is no limit to ebo. Ifa solves all problems.
What is Ebo Riru?
Eboriru is the traditional Ifa way of making ebo. It is the key to elevating our prayers and shifting a person’s circumstance to a balanced positive outcome. All those who receive Ifa divination must perform this type of ebo. Eboriru is done for all matters, such as family, finances, success, achievement in one’s goal(s), etc. For those who are in spiritual alignment and in tune with their destinies, Ebo riru is still performed because ebo is the maintenance to keep things stable. Ebo riru is done when someone is out of alignment with destiny and to fix all negative situations.
What is Ebo Eje?
Ebo Eje is blood sacrifice. Blood is the life force of all living things.
Why do the Orisa want the blood of animal?
The Orisa not only partake in the animal's blood; they also participate in the body's vital organs, which is part of the Ase (power) of the animal. They are partaking in the meat of the animal. The meat is the substance. It is important to note that when an ebo eje is performed, all members present take a little of the offerings being given to the Orisa, such as the animal, a sip of water, honey, palm oil, gin, salt and any other condiments that the Orisa request for the ebo ritual. This is what makes ebo acceptable. The ritual meat is cooked and shared among family and friends. This meat is prayed over and considered a blessing amongst the community.

There is an Ifa verse in the Odu Owonrin-Meji that says not only should the ancestors and the Orisa partake of the ebo, but the whole community should take part in eating the ebo. This brings harmony, balance, and love to the community; the act of sharing and showing gratitude to one another is the power of ebo. Not all animal sacrifice requires the blood of the animal to be given to the Orisa. Some animal sacrifice has to be given to the client to take good care of after the ebo is complete. The client may have to take the animal home and take care of it.
Some animal sacrifice has to be given to the diviner to take care of, while some have to be released to certain parts of nature. Other forms of animal sacrifice deal with, for example, a client being cleansed with a pigeon and the pigeon being released for prosperity.
What materials are needed to make ebo?
All of the ebo materials come from the Odu Ifa that was cast.
With each condiment representing an essential part of solving the client's problems, no condiment should be left out.
Some basic condiments that are always present during any ebo include:
Cool water (omi tutu)
Honey (oyin)
Gin (oti)
Each one of these condiments are agents that support the ebo. Each condiment has its role that it plays in the ebo ritual.
Why do I have to pay or give a donation for my ebo?
Paying for your ebo is part of the ebo (sacrifice). There is a spiritual side to paying for ebo as well as a physical side. We have to understand that money is an energy. It is an Orisa (Aje).
The amount of money determined for an ebo is confirmed by Ifa or the IFA Priest. This makes things honest, and the client doesn't have to feel like they are being taken advantage of.
In addition, during the ebo ritual, the amount of money determined by Ifa is part of the ritual. It is then placed on the divining tray (Opon Ifa), and when the Priest begins to chant the various verses of the Odu Ifa, the money is moved around in a circular motion and, on certain occasions, placed on the client's Ori (head). This is done throughout the whole process. Money is an important part of the materials, and when the ebo is complete, the spiritual essence of the money is used to pay the various toll energy at the gates of heaven. When we travel to specific cities and states, toll men/women at the gate must be paid before you can enter that city.
The same concept applies when the ebo is being taken to its destination. You must pay a toll fee alongside an Orisa that accompanies that particular ebo ritual. They have to pay the toll men/women, to get to the next destination. The money you pay for ebo is not only used for the Priest's hard work and profit, it has very important spiritual use. It is essential to realise that coming to the Priest and Ifa to help solve/change your circumstances requires patience on the client's part. For the Priest, it requires great spiritual strength and concentration, which involves time, prayer, and energy. The Priests are placing their life at risk to help shift positive changes to help a person's circumstance. The Priest may have to do some form of personal ebo or spiritual work to remove any negative impact from the client or Devotee's experience in order for the experience not to affect the Priest's life, family, or household.
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