Who Is Esu Elegbara?
Who is Esu Elegbara?
Esu Elegbara is the Orisa of all marginal worlds, crossroads (Orita meta, Orita meerin), marketplace, and entrance to compounds. Esu is the deity that governs all doors or forms of communication. Esu Elegbara sees and records all that happens in the universe and has a close relationship with Orisa Orunmila. During every divination, he is invoked to support the divination process. Esu Elegbara supports those who make the prescribed ebo (sacrifice, spiritual work, ritual work). Esu Elegbara helps to build our character in the world by testing us in life. The crossroads represent the choices that every human must make in life, depending on your character and level of patience determine your character and behavior. Esu's colors are Red & Black, and the numbers are 3, 11, & 21.
Esu elegbara supports our prayers, offerings, and sacrifices. It is Esu elegbara who observes all rituals prescribed by Ifa. Once complete, it is Esu who carries the ebo to its prescribed Orisa or location. Ebo is a vital part of our lives. It brings us harmony, balance, prosperity, wealth, good health, and all general well-being. Esu governs all things traveling from heaven to earth and from earth to heaven. He is the Orisa of communication and understands all languages; he is the policeman between heaven and earth.
What Is Some of Esu Elegbara Favorite Foods?
Epo (palm oil)
eku (rat)
eja (fish)
omi tutu (clean water)
oti (gin)
obi (kolanut)
orogbo (bitter kola)
akara (bean cake)
gbugburu (roasted corn)
eyele (pigeon)
akuko adie (cock)
obuko (he – goat)
(***Palm kernel oil should never be given to Esu Elegbara***).
How many roads are there of Esu Elegbara?
There are many theories surrounding the many aspects of Esu Elegbara. Some say there are 256 different aspects of Esu and that there's an Esu for each Odu Ifa. These questions and assumptions can go on and on, but the truth is that Esu Elegbara is always multiplying, as it is part of his nature. We will never find out how many aspects of Esu there is. All we can do is honor, show gratitude, and constantly appease this force of nature. Esu has existed since the beginning, serving as the messenger of Olodumare and the force that keeps all things in nature in order. Though there are listed roads of Esu you can find throughout your research, Esu is everywhere, watching and recording all the events that take place in the universe.
Different Roads of Esu:
From the Odu Ifa Obara-Ose:
1. Aforogangi: means climbing trees with fierce
2. Ayigbe-Ayiku: means surviving and longevity
From the Odu Ifa Okanran-Oyeku:
1. Olupiri: means greatness surrounds me.
2. Olataka: means wealth comes from everywhere.
How Do I Receive Esu Elegbara?
You should consult with a Priest or Godparents or contact IFAGlobalsite.com on how to receive the conduit communication tool of Esu.
When I receive the conduit or tool of Esu how will this help me in my life?
Receiving your Esu elegbara means establishing a spiritual, emotional, and physical relationship with this great Orisa. By receiving the communication tool, Esu will help to open your doors towards sources and great opportunities. Esu will bring harmony, balance, understanding, good fortune, choices, prosperity, wealth, victory, and truth to the person who receives this Orisa. But for these things to manifest, you must have good guidance and communication with Esu.
How Important is it for me to learn and take care of my shrine of Esu?
When an IFA devotee receives Esu's shrine, they must take good care of Esu under the directives of their Priest or Godparents. Once you receive any Orisa, this is a lifetime union relationship with them. The Orisa has been activated solely for you and is now part of you and part of your life. You cannot play with it, give back like a toy, and state, "this is not for me no more." Therefore, please make sure if you have any concerns or questions, check and have clarity before receiving any Orisa. If we take care of Orisa, they will take care of us. Learning how to take care of Esu or any other Orisa is important. It is essential to learn and be patient enough to communicate with Orisa. Orisa can only help to upgrade your life if you consistently know how to share with them and take great care of them.
IMPORTANT: To receive this Orisa you must AND ALWAYS consult with your priest or IFAGlobalsite.com IFA Priests. They will guide you based on your Ifa divinations and consultations.