Why Is Iwa So Important In IFA Culture?
What Does the Word Character Mean?
According to the dictionary the definition in English is the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.

What Is Iwa Pele?
According to our ancient ancestors and elders in IFA Tradition, Iwa means character, which is connected firmly to our Ori (Head) Higher inner subconscious mind.
In the Yoruba IFA Tradition, Iwa Pele is a good character that guides one in this lifetime. The Yoruba Ifa culture teaches people and strongly believes it is a good character that guides one to succeed in life. Iwa-Pele good character will be that thing that will even protect men/women when in danger.
Orisa lo se laa ni feere It is Obatala who made pawpaw like trumpet (name of an Ifa priest) O se enu re dududu He made the mouth of the trumpet systematically (name of an Ifa priest) Komo araye o le maa ri n fon For all humans to use for rhythm (name of an Ifa priest) Difa fun Orunmila The made Ifa reading for Orunmila Baba n lo ree gbe Iwa niyawo He wanted to marry Iwa (character) Ebo ni woni ko wa se Ebo was prescribed for him
In the holy Odu Ogbe-Otura (Ogbe-Alara),
It tells the story of when Orunmila was going to get married to a woman named Iwa (character). The above Babalawo told Orunmila that he must make ebo (sacrifice) and make sure he is contemptuous and always take care of her. Orunmila made ebo and he went ahead to marry Iwa (Character). When the new wife came into Orunmila's household, everything started going well for him. He was very happy because he was having success upon success. Eventually, it got to a point where Orunmila started giving his wife, Iwa, some troubles at home. Sometimes he complained about the meals she cooked, and on other days, he would complain about the compound.
Every day Orunmila gave his wife, Iwa, one problem after the other. It seems Orunmila had completely forgotten what the Babalawo (Ifa priest) told him.

One day, Iwa became sick and tired of Orunmila's complaints and troubles, so she packed her things and left. After she departed, things started going from terrible to worse, for Orunmila didn't notice until he found out he was virtually left with nothing.
He went for an Ifa divination and his Babalawos (Ifa priests) told him, "You have chased someone away from your life. You need to go and beg this person to come back. If you do this, everything will come back normal for you."

After making ebo (sacrifice), Orunmila started his journey searching for his wife that packed out. People told him that they heard she went to King Alara, so Orunmila travelled to the palace in Aramoko and asked the King if he has seen his wife or not. The King said she had come to the palace, but he told her he cannot harbor her because Orunmila is his close friend, and Orunmila is the one that helped him spiritually and made him King. King Alara then gave Orunmila a clue, saying he heard Iwa went to Ijero.
When Orunmila got to the town, King Ajero told Orunmila the same thing King Alara said. King Ajero gave Orunmila another clue, saying it seems she is on her way to King Owa-rangun-aga's Palace. Orunmila quickly continued his journey, and upon getting there, he found his wife and told King Owa-rangun-aga all that happened. He pitied Orunmila and helped him plead to his wife to follow him back home and she agreed.
Henceforth, Orunmila says whoever has all blessings in life and does not have Iwa (good character), all the blessings will become another man's blessing.
How Does The System of IFA Help My Behaviour?
In the holy Odu Ogbe-yonu,
IFA shows that patience is the father and mother of ALL good things in this life. Much patience and tolerance is required to learn or obtain good behaviour, we should learn and practice to not be so quick to lose our temper and jump to conclusions or be too hot headed. In the teachings of IFA, we practice to be patient and think before we react or speak. Much ebos, Ori (head) cleansing, and spiritual work must be done for a person to learn and practice good behaviour.

Ibinu o da nnkan fun’ni
Suuru ni baba iwa
Agba to ni suuru
Oun gbogbo lo ni
Dia fun Ina
To l’oun o j’oye Olonroro
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se o
Ibinu o da nnkan fun’ni
Suuru ni baba iwa
Agba to ni suuru
Oun gbogbo lo ni
Dia fun Oorun
Ti yoo j’oye Olonroro
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
Dia fun Osupa Kirimu
Ti yoo j’oye Olonroro
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
Osupa nikan ni nbe l’eyin ti ns’ebo
A m’Osupa j’oye ire de
A m’Osupa j’oye Olonroro
A m’Osupa j’oye aye gun
A m’Osupa j’oye Olonroro
Lasan n’Ina gbo’ju
Ina o ni’wa ni’nu
A m’Osupa j’oye Olonroro
Lasan l’Oorun gbo’ju
Oorun o ni’wa ni’nu
A m’Osupa j’oye Olonroro
A m’Osupa j’oye ire de
A m’Osupa j’oye Olonroro
A m’Osupa j’oye aye gun
A m’Osupa j’oye Olonroro
Anger amounts to nothing for one
Patience is the father of all good characters
An elder who is patient
He is blessed with all the good things of life
These were Ifa’s messages for Ina, the fire
Who wanted to be installed as Olonroro, the illuminator
He was advised to offer ebo
Anger amounts to nothing for one
Patience is the father of all good character
An elder who is patient
He is blessed with all the good things of life
These were Ifa’s messages to Oorun, the sun
Who wanted to be installed as Olonroro, the illuminator
He was advised to offer ebo
These were Ifa’s messages for Osupa Kirimu, the full moon
Who wanted to be installed as Olonroro, the illuminator
He was advised to offer ebo
Only Osupa complied with the advice of the Awo
We have installed Osupa and all Ire has arrived
We have installed Osupa as the Olonroro
We installed Osupa and the world has become peaceful
We have installed Osupa as the Olonroro
In vain was the competence of Ina
Ina has no good character
We have installed Osupa as the Olonroro
Of no purpose is the capacity of Oorun
Oorun is not endowed with good character
We have installed Osupa as the Olonroro
We have installed Osupa and all Ire has arrived
We have installed Osupa as the Olonroro
We installed Osupa and the world has become peaceful
We have installed Osupa as the Olonroro, the illuminator
How do I know If I need help with my character?
Deep down, you know. For example, if you are hot tempered, easily angered, argumentative, provocative, quick to jump to conclusions, speak or act on impulse, or extremely unbalanced with your behaviour, these are some indications that there are personality issues.
Although you may have personal traits of bad behaviour, it may also come from your ancestral blood lineage. To know more, you should further investigate and have an ancestral roots reading consultation to look further into your ancestors. Receive your IFA Roots Divination and begin to break the cycle today.
Will Practicing IFA Help My Behaviour Improve?
Following your taboos and being disciplined by listening to the wisdom of IFA guarantees that your behaviour will change for the greater good and ensure peace of mind. Sometimes our behaviour is affected by outside physical and spiritual forces. Physical meaning people, groups, peer pressure, family, friends, and spiritual; relating to Ajogun: the agents against humanity aka negative forces. This is why we do further investigation through a IFA divination and find out what ebos or spiritual work should be conducted to spiritually appease or remove these negative influences.
Can IFA Medicines (Akose) Help My Behaviour or Character?
